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Our Approach

Sustainability is the driving force of our path
to build a better company.


Inspired by our Italian heritage ​ and our vocation for sustainability, we serve as technology leaders in the wine, spirits, beverages, food, dairy and pharma industry. Always at service of our customers, people and communities.

The roadmap is guided by our vision and values and embodies the collective action plan we pledge to execute daily in order to fortify the Group’s standing and reputation in the markets, communities, and regions.

We aim to integrate sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) factors into every aspect of our operations and strive to contribute to the global goals outlined in Agenda 2030.


Our effort in numbers

Our strategic plan is built upon 4 key pillars that encompass the Group’s committment regarding sustainability.


Our strategic pillars include Corporate Governance, People, Environment, and Product Innovation.

Our strategic pillars include Corporate Governance, People, Environment, and Product Innovation.

Target initiatives...
... ongoing
ESG macro targets
Cross functional project managers
People in project teams
People involved

Our core

Our value
  • Technological and digital innovation that reduces geographic distances and facilitates quick, timely, and flexible responses.
  • Expertise in creating customized, high-performance, eco-friendly engineering solutions.
Our value
  • Conducting operations with transparency and respect for the social and environmental ecosystem in our operational areas.
  • Cultivating lasting relationships based on mutual trust.
  • Ensuring the utmost quality, safety, and reliability in the end product, in contrast to the principles of "planned obsolescence" and pure profit.
  • Enhancing the unique skills and characteristics of our companies' regions and heritage, promoting the "Made in Italy" concept.
Our value
  • Being a technical and commercial partner for our clients, assistance in selecting technological investments that align with their requirements.
  • Establishing a broad territorial presence, providing customized assistance and support services to domestic and international partners and clients.
  • Listening to and taking a proactive approach with all stakeholders, from customers and suppliers to the local communities where we operate, directly addressing every request.

Developing a Strategy

Our ESG strategy is integrated with our financial growth and internalization strategy. By considering both sustainability and context-specific variables, we can mitigate business risks and focus on new market opportunities, fostering positive synergies and shared responsibilities.
This strategy was co-created with active participation from representatives from across the corporate value chain in three phases.

Phase #1
Defining the ESG Strategy and Action Plan

1. Conducting pre-assessment tasks, risk analysis (mapping our positioning), identifying strategic and stakeholder priorities
2. Establishing the ESG governance framework and an internal ESG Committee
3. Setting medium to long-term objectives, associated initiatives, investment plans, and performance metrics
4. Implementing Corporate Policies and Codes
5. Preparing the first Group Sustainability Report

Phase #2
Consolidating ESG governance

1. Adhering to the United Nations Global Compact
2. Initiating and developing the initiatives detailed in the ESG Action Plan
3. Overseeing our ESG impact according to specific indicators

Phase #3
B-Corp Company transitioning to a low carbon economy

1. Seamlessly integrating financial and ESG governance
2. Fully engaging the supply chain in the overall strategy
3. Attaining B-Corp Certification
4. Committing to the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)

Phase #1
Phase #2
Phase #3
Strategy Development

Adhering to the Global Compact

In 2022, we officially became a member of the United Nations Global Compact, a collaboration between corporate leaders and the United Nations, dedicated to advancing a sustainable, equitable, and inclusive global economy.

As a participating company, we make a voluntary commitment to integrate the Ten UNGC Principles into our strategic vision, organizational culture, and daily operations. Additionally, we pledge our support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

As part of our annual progress reporting (Communication on Progress – COP), we have incorporated the 10 Global Compact principles into the GRI index, aligning them with the content of our report.

Human rights
1. Respecting

Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.

2. Ensuring

Ensure there are no accidental or indirect contributions to human rights abuses.

3. Supporting

Uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.

4. Eliminating

Ensure the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor.

5. Eradicating

Ensure the eradication of child labor.

6. Promoting

Promote the elimination of discrimination in the workplace.

7. Supporting

Support a preventive approach to environmental challenges.

8. Undertaking

Undertake initiatives that promote greater environmental responsibility.

9. Encouraging

Encourage the development and dissemination of technologies that respect the environment.

10. Combatting

Combat corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Strategy Development

Contributing to Agenda 2030

Since 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have served as the guiding framework for governments, businesses, and civil society representatives, following endorsement by 197 UN member countries. These goals not only establish specific and binding deadlines but, more importantly, offer a comprehensive vision of what active participation in sustainable development entails.

The SDGs underpin all European policies and action plans, including the Green Deal and related resilience and recovery plans. In shaping our strategy, we have identified the SDGs where we can make tangible contributions or have a more significant potential for impact.

Strategy development

Adopting the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)

In 2022, Omnia Technologies formally submitted its commitment statement to lower greenhouse gas emissions, preceding the 5-step adherence process. This process involves subsequent phases such as target development, official project validation, sharing goals and strategies with stakeholders, and the disclosure of results.

Science-Based Targets (SBTi) represent internationally recognized objectives calculated using scientific evidence. SBTis aid companies in optimizing their efforts to support the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement that aims to restrict the rise of global temperatures to 1.5°C.

A step-by-step process
1. Commit

Submit a letter estabilishing your intent to set a science-based target.

2. Develop

Work on an emissions reduction target in line with SBTi’s criteria.

3. Submit

Present your target to SBTi for official validation.

4. Communicate

Announce your target and inform your stakeholders.

5. Disclose

Report company-wide emissions and progress.